New features

Aidbox November 2023 Release

November 30, 2023

Here are the new FHIR server features and updates released by the Aidbox team in November 2023. See the full release notes here.

‘Async Resource Validation’ built-in task for Workflow Engine

Run asynchronous validation as a built-in task and track its progress seamlessly via API or the Aidbox UI.

SMART App Launch (v1 and v2) for Patient Access API

Run patient-facing SMART apps on Aidbox (previously available on Smartbox) and ensure secure access to sensitive patient data for authorized applications.

Aidbox HL7 v2 to FHIR transformation templates on Python

Bootstrap your data transformation pipelines using the Aidbox Python SDK and pre-designed templates. Check reference templates to transform HL7 v2 ADT, ORU, and ORM messages to FHIR and load them to Aidbox. Explore our GitHub for more details.

Aidbox Forms updates

Explore more functionalities to build complex dynamic forms on the fly:

  • Preview Questionnaire and QuestionnaireResponse resources directly in the UI builder (alpha) to catch and fix errors early.
  • Save Form definitions as Questionnaire resources.
  • Leverage FHIRPath for calculated expressions and Enable-When expressions.

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