C-CDA / FHIR Converter

Convert C-CDA to FHIR and FHIR to C-CDA – ensuring easy, fast, and secure conversions for enhanced patient care and compliance with healthcare industry standards.

C-CDA / FHIR Converter

Convert C-CDA to FHIR and FHIR to C-CDA – ensuring easy, fast, and secure conversions for enhanced patient care and compliance with industry standards.

C-CDA FHIR Converter

C-CDA / FHIR Converter

Convert C-CDA to FHIR and FHIR to C-CDA – ensuring easy, fast, and secure conversions for enhanced patient care and compliance with industry standards.

Transform back and forth — all in one place

Convert Instantly

Use the converter straight out of the box, with pre-configured mapping rules for the majority of C-CDA sections, allowing for seamless, code-free conversions and easy customization.

Validate Effectively

Check C-CDA document validity with the built-in validator, ensuring a robust conversion process and paving the way for enhanced FHIR data validation.

Ensure ONC Compliance

Achieve 170.315(g)(9) certification with our converter, guaranteeing officially validated document conversions from FHIR to C-CDA.

Integrate Flexibly

Work with any FHIR server using our converter, which can be seamlessly embedded into your existing infrastructure, providing a flexible API for easy data conversions.

Expand Capabilities

Enhance your integration with Aidbox, unlocking additional features like Terminology services, advanced data management, and database resource searches.

List of Supported Sections

Section aliases are used to configure C-CDA endpoints to specify sections to process.

How it works

Discover the power of the standalone C-CDA/FHIR Converter, designed to integrate effortlessly with your existing healthcare infrastructure. Without the need for additional software, our converter simplifies the data exchange process, providing a reliable and independent solution that works right out of the box.

1. Preprocess and Validate

The built-in validator checks C-CDA documents for compliance, and the preprocessing function prepares the data for a smooth conversion process.

2. Convert with Core Mapping

The rule engine simplifies the conversion by using established rules, reducing the need for manual coding and ensuring a high coverage of use cases. Users can also extend these rules for customized conversions.

3. Integrate and Access

The converter's standalone nature allows it to work with any FHIR server, and when used with Aidbox, it enhances capabilities with additional modules like terminology services and Master Data Management (MDM) for deduplication.

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Need more details?

Explore our detailed documentation for insights into the C-CDA/ FHIR Converter or reach out to us for any questions you might have.

View documentation
List of Supported Sections

Section aliases are used to configure C-CDA endpoints to specify sections to process.

Why converting?


FHIR provides a standardized representation of data, improving consistency compared to the complex nature of C-CDA.


FHIR is more flexible and modern than C-CDA. Converting C-CDA to FHIR updates systems to better meet current healthcare needs.

Improved Access

FHIR's RESTful APIs make data access easier compared to C-CDA's document-centric approach.

Advanced Use Cases

FHIR supports advanced healthcare scenarios better than C-CDA, enabling implementation of features like clinical decision support and precision medicine.

Easier Integration

Converting C-CDA to FHIR facilitates integration with modern healthcare systems and applications built on FHIR.


C-CDA and FHIR are different standards for healthcare data exchange. A converter bridges the gap, ensuring seamless communication between systems.

Why converting?

Enable your healthcare systems speak the same language, whether they're using C-CDA or FHIR standards.

C-CDA and FHIR are different standards for healthcare data exchange. A converter bridges the gap, ensuring seamless communication between systems.
FHIR is more flexible and modern than C-CDA. Converting C-CDA to FHIR updates systems to better meet current healthcare needs.
FHIR provides a standardized representation of data, improving consistency compared to the complex nature of C-CDA.
Improved Access
FHIR's RESTful APIs make data access easier compared to C-CDA's document-centric approach.
Advanced Use Cases
FHIR supports advanced healthcare scenarios better than C-CDA, enabling implementation of features like clinical decision support and precision medicine.
Easier Integration
Converting C-CDA to FHIR facilitates integration with modern healthcare systems and applications built on FHIR.
FHIR evolves to meet emerging needs, making the conversion from C-CDA a way to future-proof systems and ensure compatibility with upcoming standards.

Streamline C-CDA into your FHIR-based ecosystem

Transform C-CDA data into the native FHIR format and back.
Just plug our stand-alone converter into your system and make the most of your healthcare data.

Simplify Conversions
Utilize the /ccda/v2/to-fhir and /ccda/v2/to-ccda endpoints for swift and reliable C-CDA to FHIR and FHIR to C-CDA conversions. These endpoints facilitate the conversion process without the need to store FHIR resources in the Aidbox database, streamlining the integration workflow.
Validate Effectively
Ensure the integrity of your clinical documents with dedicated endpoints for C-CDA validation. This feature helps in verifying the structure and content of C-CDA documents before conversion, reducing errors and enhancing data quality.
Persist Data Seamlessly
Take advantage of endpoints designed for persisting FHIR data extracted from C-CDA documents. This capability allows for the efficient storage and retrieval of FHIR resources, simplifying data management and accessibility.
Customize Flexibly
Configure C-CDA endpoints using section aliases to specify which sections to process during conversion. This level of customization enables precise control over the data conversion process, allowing for tailored solutions that meet specific requirements.
Integrate Comprehensively
Convert entire FHIR Documents into C-CDA format using the /ccda/v2/to-ccda endpoint. This endpoint accepts a FHIR Document Bundle with a Composition resource, ensuring that all sections from the provided Composition are included in the resulting C-CDA document.
Adhere to Standards
Meet the § 170.315(g)(9) ONC criterion for EHR systems by importing and exporting patient data in C-CDA format. The converter's adherence to this standard ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, making it an essential tool for healthcare providers and EHR vendors.

Your gateway to interoperability

Enable the exchange of patient data across health networks like Carequality, CommonWell, and eHealth Exchange, ensuring accuracy, security, and compliance with ease.

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Rules-based expandable converter

The converter operates based on predefined rules that govern the conversion process and can be customized to accommodate specific data requirements or variations in C-CDA and FHIR standards.

Bi-directional conversion capabilities

The converter seamlessly translates healthcare data between C-CDA and FHIR formats, using the same rule engine, ensuring compatibility and interoperability across systems.

Modular design for flexibility

The converter utilizes a modular architecture, enabling the addition, development, maintenance, and independent scaling of different components to meet specific requirements.

REST API for document search and retrieval

The client application can effectively search for and retrieve healthcare documents using the FHIR RESTful API.

For additional information, please visit documentation.

Start converting with Aidbox

Aidbox Online C-CDA/FHIR converter* is free to use.
We also offer paid stand-alone converter with additional features, storage, and support.

* The online version is simplified for demonstration purposes only.
Feel free to reach out to discuss specific C-CDA documents and section templates you're interested in.

1891 N Gaffey St Ste O, San Pedro, CA 90731
+1 (818) 731-1279